Thursday, August 24, 2006

Stop Bargain Hunting at the Supermarket... Your Health Is on the Line

You’ve done it before. You’ve cut coupons. You’ve looked in the flyers. You’ve told the cashier that you have a Stop and Shop card when you don’t.

As Americans, we just don’t want to pay a lot for our food and as a trainer and coach, I speak to a lot of people who bargain shop for the most important product they could possibly buy—their food—and they’re paying the price with their health.

Organic, natural foods, fresh fish and meats are more expensive, but there’s a reason.

You have to spend money on food and you have to spend a lot. Why? Because you need to fuel your body with good, nutritious and healthy foods. You need to realize that just because there is food on the shelf doesn’t mean that it’s good for you. Food companies are selling to you. They will do whatever it takes—pesticides, waxes, chemical fertilizers, genetic engineering—to make that food look good and stay on the shelf longer.

You need to get over your resistance to spending money on food.

I just picked some fresh vegetables from a friend’s garden yesterday. The leaves are already starting to wilt. What does that tell you about your super-tough, non-organic shiny supermarket produce? It tells you that it’s been tampered with.

When I hear “organic and healthy foods are too expensive” excuse I cringe. You have to reassess your priorities. Would you buy a TV at the dollar store? Would you buy a used car at the scrap yard?


You wouldn’t because you wouldn’t trust that it was worth anything. Same deal with your food. The cheap food has little nutrient value. Sure it might give you energy but you get what you pay for! It’s just like buying a sleek looking TV with no parts inside.

I spend a large amount of money on food every month. Why? We know it puts me at the top of my game. It gives me fantastic energy and infectious energy. Want to feel that way? Spend more on food!

If you still truly believe it’s not in your budget… I still think you’re being silly.

Do you buy a coffee at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks in the morning? Do you eat out once a week? Do you use premium gas when you really could use regular? Do you buy lotto tickets? Cigarettes? Alcohol?

If you do anyone or all of these things, I know you can afford the $20-25 more a week to spend on your health.

You only have one chance here on earth as far as I know, so spend it wisely!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.

He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.

Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!

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