I've heard different advice as what is the best thing to do right now to change your diet. Eat less carbs, eat less fat, eat less...
This is all great advice, but there is one single piece of advice that transcends all of these tips--and that is to have one fresh vegetable juice a day.
There is no better way to get whole nutrients, get more energy and feel fantastic than to drink at least one vegetable juice a day.
Good news for the busy person, is that you will find juicers at most local health food stores, so you'll never have to clean the machine and prepare them yourself!
When you juice a vegetable you separate the enzymes, vitamins and minerals from the fiber. This gives you a concentrated mix that will put you bounds ahead in your health and fitness.
Juicing can be better than other types of supplementation because the nutrients are still fresh and none of them are damaged because of heat, cold, exposure or any other factor that can deplete their potency.
The effects of adding fresh fruit and vegetable juices to your diet can be seen in days. Many people I have worked with tell me their skin and blemishes clear up, scratches and injuries heal faster and overall energy levels rise dramatically.
If you’ve never had a fresh vegetable juice—and I don’t mean any of the juices that you see in the grocery stores in the bottles—I want you to go to the local health store and see if they make them. Most of them do have juicers on the premises. Ask for something simple and try it. You’ll be amazed at how good it tastes!
If you’ve already juiced before either wipe the dust of your old machine or go out and buy a new one. A juicer can run anywhere from $80.00-$4000.00, but to start don’t spend a bunch of money. A centrifugal juicer is fine to start. This type of juicer will juice any hard vegetable and some leafy vegetables. There are other types—press, screw and wheatgrass—but this is the best way to start. Click here for juicer reviews.
Start with pleasant tasting vegetables and fruits. Carrots, beets, apples, celery, cucumbers, tomatoes and grapes are the best to start. Mix them together or just have them alone. Once you start to enjoy fresh juice then you can explore other combinations and vegetables. If you’re anything like me, you probably experiment a bit with different flavors and ingredients not knowing what to expect!
If you are struggling to find different ingredients… beets, kale, spinach or cabbage are just a few to try in your next mixture.
Try putting garlic in your juice to boost your immune system, ginger to aid in digestion or cilantro to give it an added fresh flavor for the summer!
Be sure to buy produce that is organically grown. These fruits and vegetables are loaded with more nutrients and have none of the pesticides you’ll find in non-organic foods.
Also be sure to clean your juicer after each use to avoid any mold growth that will compromise all the wonderful benefits of fresh juices.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Stop Bargain Hunting at the Supermarket... Your Health Is on the Line
You’ve done it before. You’ve cut coupons. You’ve looked in the flyers. You’ve told the cashier that you have a Stop and Shop card when you don’t.
As Americans, we just don’t want to pay a lot for our food and as a trainer and coach, I speak to a lot of people who bargain shop for the most important product they could possibly buy—their food—and they’re paying the price with their health.
Organic, natural foods, fresh fish and meats are more expensive, but there’s a reason.
You have to spend money on food and you have to spend a lot. Why? Because you need to fuel your body with good, nutritious and healthy foods. You need to realize that just because there is food on the shelf doesn’t mean that it’s good for you. Food companies are selling to you. They will do whatever it takes—pesticides, waxes, chemical fertilizers, genetic engineering—to make that food look good and stay on the shelf longer.
You need to get over your resistance to spending money on food.
I just picked some fresh vegetables from a friend’s garden yesterday. The leaves are already starting to wilt. What does that tell you about your super-tough, non-organic shiny supermarket produce? It tells you that it’s been tampered with.
When I hear “organic and healthy foods are too expensive” excuse I cringe. You have to reassess your priorities. Would you buy a TV at the dollar store? Would you buy a used car at the scrap yard?
You wouldn’t because you wouldn’t trust that it was worth anything. Same deal with your food. The cheap food has little nutrient value. Sure it might give you energy but you get what you pay for! It’s just like buying a sleek looking TV with no parts inside.
I spend a large amount of money on food every month. Why? We know it puts me at the top of my game. It gives me fantastic energy and infectious energy. Want to feel that way? Spend more on food!
If you still truly believe it’s not in your budget… I still think you’re being silly.
Do you buy a coffee at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks in the morning? Do you eat out once a week? Do you use premium gas when you really could use regular? Do you buy lotto tickets? Cigarettes? Alcohol?
If you do anyone or all of these things, I know you can afford the $20-25 more a week to spend on your health.
You only have one chance here on earth as far as I know, so spend it wisely!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
As Americans, we just don’t want to pay a lot for our food and as a trainer and coach, I speak to a lot of people who bargain shop for the most important product they could possibly buy—their food—and they’re paying the price with their health.
Organic, natural foods, fresh fish and meats are more expensive, but there’s a reason.
You have to spend money on food and you have to spend a lot. Why? Because you need to fuel your body with good, nutritious and healthy foods. You need to realize that just because there is food on the shelf doesn’t mean that it’s good for you. Food companies are selling to you. They will do whatever it takes—pesticides, waxes, chemical fertilizers, genetic engineering—to make that food look good and stay on the shelf longer.
You need to get over your resistance to spending money on food.
I just picked some fresh vegetables from a friend’s garden yesterday. The leaves are already starting to wilt. What does that tell you about your super-tough, non-organic shiny supermarket produce? It tells you that it’s been tampered with.
When I hear “organic and healthy foods are too expensive” excuse I cringe. You have to reassess your priorities. Would you buy a TV at the dollar store? Would you buy a used car at the scrap yard?
You wouldn’t because you wouldn’t trust that it was worth anything. Same deal with your food. The cheap food has little nutrient value. Sure it might give you energy but you get what you pay for! It’s just like buying a sleek looking TV with no parts inside.
I spend a large amount of money on food every month. Why? We know it puts me at the top of my game. It gives me fantastic energy and infectious energy. Want to feel that way? Spend more on food!
If you still truly believe it’s not in your budget… I still think you’re being silly.
Do you buy a coffee at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks in the morning? Do you eat out once a week? Do you use premium gas when you really could use regular? Do you buy lotto tickets? Cigarettes? Alcohol?
If you do anyone or all of these things, I know you can afford the $20-25 more a week to spend on your health.
You only have one chance here on earth as far as I know, so spend it wisely!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Stop Eating Like a Japanese Competitive Eater and Lose Weight Fast
Smaller is better when it comes to portion sizes.
I went to the Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest in Coney Island when I lived in Brooklyn. There were about 20 contestants from all over the world competing to see how many hot dogs (with buns) they could stuff in their throats in a given time. The winner from Japan managed to stuff over 50 hot dogs down his throat in a matter of minutes! Those guys could definitely use a lesson on portion control.
I was always taught to finish everything on my plate. My mother would tell me that I’d have to do so in order to leave the table or if I wanted dessert. There were times when I forced it down just to get up from the table. My brother was even more stubborn. I can remember the whole family leaving the table to leave him leaning over a serving of green beans that he was just too full to put down.
For my brother and I--and I’m sure for most of you--this was a powerful and lasting lesson in overeating. There are still times when I need to take control over my portion size, because that was so deeply ingrained in my head at such a young age.
Here’s How to Control Your Portion Size with Ease:
1. Serve your own plate.
If you let someone else serve you (particularly an Italian mother) you are going to get too much. If you are aware of your food intake and how hungry you are, you will actually put just the right amount of food on your plate.
2. Don’t Take Seconds.
If you’ve had enough, save some for later. In an hour or so if you are still hungry, have some more.
3. Eat Small Snacks During the Day.
I have a fresh juice or different snacks during the day to keep my energy up, so when it comes to mealtime, I don’t pack in a turkey dinner for a family of five.
4. Eat More Vegetables than Meat.
This is simple plate geometry. Your plate should have about 2/3 vegetables and no more than 1/3 anything else. Steak should not be the centerpiece. This allows me to fill up on vegetables, fibers and a small amount of carbohydrates—not meat.
5. Eat Your Salad First.
Eat the salad first. You will fill up quicker and eat smaller portions!
6. Chew!
You’re not a pig, so don’t eat like one! Take some time to breathe between bites. You’ll eat less and feel better.
When you go out to dinner, take a moment to really look at the sizes of the portions. They are absolutely too big! Split you dinner in two and eat the other half for lunch. You will drop weight immediately.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
I went to the Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest in Coney Island when I lived in Brooklyn. There were about 20 contestants from all over the world competing to see how many hot dogs (with buns) they could stuff in their throats in a given time. The winner from Japan managed to stuff over 50 hot dogs down his throat in a matter of minutes! Those guys could definitely use a lesson on portion control.
I was always taught to finish everything on my plate. My mother would tell me that I’d have to do so in order to leave the table or if I wanted dessert. There were times when I forced it down just to get up from the table. My brother was even more stubborn. I can remember the whole family leaving the table to leave him leaning over a serving of green beans that he was just too full to put down.
For my brother and I--and I’m sure for most of you--this was a powerful and lasting lesson in overeating. There are still times when I need to take control over my portion size, because that was so deeply ingrained in my head at such a young age.
Here’s How to Control Your Portion Size with Ease:
1. Serve your own plate.
If you let someone else serve you (particularly an Italian mother) you are going to get too much. If you are aware of your food intake and how hungry you are, you will actually put just the right amount of food on your plate.
2. Don’t Take Seconds.
If you’ve had enough, save some for later. In an hour or so if you are still hungry, have some more.
3. Eat Small Snacks During the Day.
I have a fresh juice or different snacks during the day to keep my energy up, so when it comes to mealtime, I don’t pack in a turkey dinner for a family of five.
4. Eat More Vegetables than Meat.
This is simple plate geometry. Your plate should have about 2/3 vegetables and no more than 1/3 anything else. Steak should not be the centerpiece. This allows me to fill up on vegetables, fibers and a small amount of carbohydrates—not meat.
5. Eat Your Salad First.
Eat the salad first. You will fill up quicker and eat smaller portions!
6. Chew!
You’re not a pig, so don’t eat like one! Take some time to breathe between bites. You’ll eat less and feel better.
When you go out to dinner, take a moment to really look at the sizes of the portions. They are absolutely too big! Split you dinner in two and eat the other half for lunch. You will drop weight immediately.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
Friday, August 18, 2006
The 7 Secret Foods that Only the Healthiest People in the World Eat
You’ve heard the buzz about superfoods.
There is some mystique about them, isn’t there? Imagine a food--or a group of foods--that alone can elevate moods, enrich your body with almost hundreds of minerals and taste great all at the same time?
The 7 foods I want to talk about do all this and more... and are not just the “ordinary” superfoods like the cherry, the avocado or extra virgin olive oil. These foods are from the corners of the world and they will pack a super-punch into your everyday diet.
Superfood #1: Cacao (Raw Chocolate)
Want more energy? Try some raw chocolate.
Raw chocolate is one of the most powerful sources of magnesium on the planet. Not only does magnesium help with alertness and activity, it also helps elevate your mood.
Magnesium is one of the most deficient minerals in the human body. Depending on where you find your studies 60-80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. No wonder we're sluggish, agitated and stressed!
Raw chocolate is the same reason you've heard that chocolate is good for you... except that the cooked and processed form that you get in your Hershey's bar does not have the same composition as it does when it's raw.
Raw chocolate also contains tryptophan--an essential amino acid--which helps naturally produce serotonin in your body. This is great news for those who need an emotional boost.
You can buy raw chocolate in the shell (it is a bean), but it's easiest if you buy it without.
Since the cacao bean is actually fairly bitter, it is best to mix it with various other superfoods--pumpkin seeds, goji berries--for a super, power-packed, nutrient rich snack that will get you through even the toughest days.
Superfood #2: Goji Berries
Move over carrot.
This little, bright red berry from China is one of the most potent sources of beta-carotene and vitamin C. These are both fantastic antioxidants.
Goji berries also contain 18 amino acids and over 21 minerals which give them a serious power-punch to anyone’s system.
Goji berries help stimulate your body’s natural human growth hormone which is critical in anti-aging and longevity.
You can only get them dried in the US, so don't expect to find them in any produce section. Some health food stores will carry them, but you're best bet is online.
Goji berries are a fantastic snack--eat them just like you would raisins--to add to your superfood arsenal and are a great addition to any herbal tea.
Superfood #3: Maca
Maca is a Peruvian root powder that is used to increase strength and vitality. It has more mineral content than potatoes and carrots--containing iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iodine.
The Peruvians and many others claim, Maca can help fight depression, help with anemia and improve overall memory and vitality.
This powerful food is also a libido stimulant!
Maca powder is best taken mixed with warm water in a tea. Maca has a strong taste and this can be softened with goji berries or honey.
Superfood #4: Raw Honey
I'm not talking about the honey in the little bear. I'm talking real, unprocessed, raw honey.
Raw honey contains enzymes, phytonutrients, resins and propolis--bee glue. This unique combination of properties makes it versatile not only as a food, but as an anti-bacterial agent.
As a food, raw honey can raise antioxidant levels in the body, restore muscle glycogen after a workout and help lower cholesterol and the risk of certain cancers.
As a topical substance, it can decrease infection and work just as well as alcohol solutions.
Use it as a sweetener, put some in your teas or your water, or just have a small spoonful for a quick pick me up.
(Be sure not to heat it to a high temperature. Heat will destroy many of its best qualities.)
Superfood #5: Spirulina
This superfood and next might scare some people off.
Don't compromise your health by not trying these two foods!
The first, spirulina, is an algae that has high vegetable protein content, is high in B-12 vitamins and Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA).
GLA and Vitamin B-12 are connected to mood, memory and general energy vitality. Many people believe that low B-12 levels for long periods of time is actually the cause of “old age” symptoms--fatigue, memory loss, confusion, etc.
Just because it's algae doesn't mean that it's gross! The first time I tried it, I was surprised that it tasted so good.
Buy it in flakes and sprinkle it on your salads, add it to a smoothie, sauces or soups.
Superfood #6: Sea Vegetables
Sea vegetables are grown in an environment full on minerals that our body needs for optimal health--the ocean.
The ocean water has up to 92 minerals can be absorbed by the plants growing in the sea.
This makes sea vegetables are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Seaweed--compared to land vegetables--is one of the best vegetable sources of calcium, which is fantastic for muscle and bone development, strength and growth.
Don't worry if the idea of eating seaweed grosses you out. Your health food store will have different seaweed granules that you can use as a salt substitute and you’ll never know the difference.
Nori, dulce, and kelp are three of the most readily available sea vegetables.
Superfood #7: Pumpkin Seeds and More...
The raw pumpkin seed, just like the cacao bean, is another feel good food. It is a great source of magnesium and tryptophan. You can find this super-seed right in your backyard if you live in the Northeastern US!
Pumpkin seeds also are great sources of protein, fat and other essential minerals.
Other great seeds are hemp seed, flax seed and raw sunflower seeds. These all contain good fats and good protein for optimal health.
If you’re eating a primarily vegetarian or vegan diet, be sure to add these seeds to your diet to get some good protein. If you’re NOT a vegetarian or vegan, be sure to add these seeds to your diet to get some good protein (not a typo!).
They are great to add to salads as an extra garnish or great as a snack or mixed in with some other superfoods.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
There is some mystique about them, isn’t there? Imagine a food--or a group of foods--that alone can elevate moods, enrich your body with almost hundreds of minerals and taste great all at the same time?
The 7 foods I want to talk about do all this and more... and are not just the “ordinary” superfoods like the cherry, the avocado or extra virgin olive oil. These foods are from the corners of the world and they will pack a super-punch into your everyday diet.
Superfood #1: Cacao (Raw Chocolate)
Want more energy? Try some raw chocolate.
Raw chocolate is one of the most powerful sources of magnesium on the planet. Not only does magnesium help with alertness and activity, it also helps elevate your mood.
Magnesium is one of the most deficient minerals in the human body. Depending on where you find your studies 60-80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. No wonder we're sluggish, agitated and stressed!
Raw chocolate is the same reason you've heard that chocolate is good for you... except that the cooked and processed form that you get in your Hershey's bar does not have the same composition as it does when it's raw.
Raw chocolate also contains tryptophan--an essential amino acid--which helps naturally produce serotonin in your body. This is great news for those who need an emotional boost.
You can buy raw chocolate in the shell (it is a bean), but it's easiest if you buy it without.
Since the cacao bean is actually fairly bitter, it is best to mix it with various other superfoods--pumpkin seeds, goji berries--for a super, power-packed, nutrient rich snack that will get you through even the toughest days.
Superfood #2: Goji Berries
Move over carrot.
This little, bright red berry from China is one of the most potent sources of beta-carotene and vitamin C. These are both fantastic antioxidants.
Goji berries also contain 18 amino acids and over 21 minerals which give them a serious power-punch to anyone’s system.
Goji berries help stimulate your body’s natural human growth hormone which is critical in anti-aging and longevity.
You can only get them dried in the US, so don't expect to find them in any produce section. Some health food stores will carry them, but you're best bet is online.
Goji berries are a fantastic snack--eat them just like you would raisins--to add to your superfood arsenal and are a great addition to any herbal tea.
Superfood #3: Maca
Maca is a Peruvian root powder that is used to increase strength and vitality. It has more mineral content than potatoes and carrots--containing iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iodine.
The Peruvians and many others claim, Maca can help fight depression, help with anemia and improve overall memory and vitality.
This powerful food is also a libido stimulant!
Maca powder is best taken mixed with warm water in a tea. Maca has a strong taste and this can be softened with goji berries or honey.
Superfood #4: Raw Honey
I'm not talking about the honey in the little bear. I'm talking real, unprocessed, raw honey.
Raw honey contains enzymes, phytonutrients, resins and propolis--bee glue. This unique combination of properties makes it versatile not only as a food, but as an anti-bacterial agent.
As a food, raw honey can raise antioxidant levels in the body, restore muscle glycogen after a workout and help lower cholesterol and the risk of certain cancers.
As a topical substance, it can decrease infection and work just as well as alcohol solutions.
Use it as a sweetener, put some in your teas or your water, or just have a small spoonful for a quick pick me up.
(Be sure not to heat it to a high temperature. Heat will destroy many of its best qualities.)
Superfood #5: Spirulina
This superfood and next might scare some people off.
Don't compromise your health by not trying these two foods!
The first, spirulina, is an algae that has high vegetable protein content, is high in B-12 vitamins and Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA).
GLA and Vitamin B-12 are connected to mood, memory and general energy vitality. Many people believe that low B-12 levels for long periods of time is actually the cause of “old age” symptoms--fatigue, memory loss, confusion, etc.
Just because it's algae doesn't mean that it's gross! The first time I tried it, I was surprised that it tasted so good.
Buy it in flakes and sprinkle it on your salads, add it to a smoothie, sauces or soups.
Superfood #6: Sea Vegetables
Sea vegetables are grown in an environment full on minerals that our body needs for optimal health--the ocean.
The ocean water has up to 92 minerals can be absorbed by the plants growing in the sea.
This makes sea vegetables are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Seaweed--compared to land vegetables--is one of the best vegetable sources of calcium, which is fantastic for muscle and bone development, strength and growth.
Don't worry if the idea of eating seaweed grosses you out. Your health food store will have different seaweed granules that you can use as a salt substitute and you’ll never know the difference.
Nori, dulce, and kelp are three of the most readily available sea vegetables.
Superfood #7: Pumpkin Seeds and More...
The raw pumpkin seed, just like the cacao bean, is another feel good food. It is a great source of magnesium and tryptophan. You can find this super-seed right in your backyard if you live in the Northeastern US!
Pumpkin seeds also are great sources of protein, fat and other essential minerals.
Other great seeds are hemp seed, flax seed and raw sunflower seeds. These all contain good fats and good protein for optimal health.
If you’re eating a primarily vegetarian or vegan diet, be sure to add these seeds to your diet to get some good protein. If you’re NOT a vegetarian or vegan, be sure to add these seeds to your diet to get some good protein (not a typo!).
They are great to add to salads as an extra garnish or great as a snack or mixed in with some other superfoods.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The Single Reason Why You're Not as Successful as You Want to Be
All the worrying you may do--about making money, being a good parent, having fun, getting a raise, achieving your ultimate goals--means nothing if you are neglecting the vehicle--your body--that allows you to do all those things.
If you are unhealthy, inactive or sedentary chances are you are less likely to balance your life to achieve all your goals, less likely to be a wonderful, caring and responsive parent, and less likely to have money, business and personal success you desire.
People who neglect their health by not eating properly, not exercising frequently and by not following through on their health and fitness commitments are people who will not be as successful and live a life full of energy and vitality and happiness.
Your life's successes are directly linked to your success in managing your health and fitness.
Since you need to make your health a number one priority, let's look at it from the perspective of another habit you've grown accustomed to over the years. Showering.
I've always been fascinated with how we Americans will go to tremendous lengths to clean our outsides when our insides are as nasty as the local dump!
Most people here in America shower almost everyday. Let's say the average is 5-6 showers a week. When we were children, we were told that you must keep yourself clean in order to fight off disease and, of course, be able to talk to other people without offending them with your stench. Even the dirtiest of people manage to shower once in a while, right?! Why? Because they are aware of the necessity to keep themselves clean.
People always find the time to shower. It's already built into their day. They do it in the morning, or in the evening. Some women (and men as well) can take not only an hour to shower, but an additional 1-2 hours getting their hair ready or putting on make-up. I’m sure this hits home to some degree, whether this is a friend or it happens to be you.
In terms of cleanliness, showering is good for the exterior of your body. And as Americans we have this down to a science. We have body lotions, deodorant soaps, shampoos, shampoo-conditioners, conditioning shampoos, hair gels, body perfumes, etc. Chances are you have one, two--if not all of these products in your bathroom. I know we do! But again this is cleanliness on the outside.
In terms of cleanliness for your insides, our best option is a well-balanced mix of mental growth, exercise, eating habits and detoxification.
Now here's the disconnect between showering habits (outer cleaning) and exercising/healthy habits (inner cleaning). Depending on where you get your information, you’ll find that at least 25-40% of all Americans are sedentary. Sedentary means that a person has no leisure time activity. Not once a week, not once a month. Sedentary means NONE. This would be equivalent to never cleaning the inside of your body, ever!
What does this mean? It means that 25-40% of Americans are filthy on their insides! And even more Americans who only exercise once or twice a week or eat relatively decent foods are pretty dirty as well. Why even bother showering, when your insides are neglected every single day.
Your insides are much more important than your outsides.
Your cells, organs, muscles and bones have no chance of survival if you do not keep them healthy by exercise, diet and self-improvement. Cleaning yourself externally by showering and facial creams will only remove some bacteria, oils and sweat.
Cleaning yourself internally will actually give you more benefits in terms of appearance than a bar of soap and moisturizing cream. People who are hydrated properly and eat many water containing foods have healthy, shiny skin—the same type of skin that a topical can only hope to emulate!
For some reason or another, someone dropped the ball when it comes to informing us that we need to take care of our bodies and that cleanliness starts from the insides. Anything else is just the same as the cover up women put on their faces—a quick fix.
Put the ball in your court and become aware of your body and how it reacts to exercise and the food you eat and you'll notice a huge difference in how clear your skin looks, how toned your muscles start to become, how much energy you seem to still have at the end of the day and how much closer you are to your business, fitness and personal goals!
This is something worth working out for!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
If you are unhealthy, inactive or sedentary chances are you are less likely to balance your life to achieve all your goals, less likely to be a wonderful, caring and responsive parent, and less likely to have money, business and personal success you desire.
People who neglect their health by not eating properly, not exercising frequently and by not following through on their health and fitness commitments are people who will not be as successful and live a life full of energy and vitality and happiness.
Your life's successes are directly linked to your success in managing your health and fitness.
Since you need to make your health a number one priority, let's look at it from the perspective of another habit you've grown accustomed to over the years. Showering.
I've always been fascinated with how we Americans will go to tremendous lengths to clean our outsides when our insides are as nasty as the local dump!
Most people here in America shower almost everyday. Let's say the average is 5-6 showers a week. When we were children, we were told that you must keep yourself clean in order to fight off disease and, of course, be able to talk to other people without offending them with your stench. Even the dirtiest of people manage to shower once in a while, right?! Why? Because they are aware of the necessity to keep themselves clean.
People always find the time to shower. It's already built into their day. They do it in the morning, or in the evening. Some women (and men as well) can take not only an hour to shower, but an additional 1-2 hours getting their hair ready or putting on make-up. I’m sure this hits home to some degree, whether this is a friend or it happens to be you.
In terms of cleanliness, showering is good for the exterior of your body. And as Americans we have this down to a science. We have body lotions, deodorant soaps, shampoos, shampoo-conditioners, conditioning shampoos, hair gels, body perfumes, etc. Chances are you have one, two--if not all of these products in your bathroom. I know we do! But again this is cleanliness on the outside.
In terms of cleanliness for your insides, our best option is a well-balanced mix of mental growth, exercise, eating habits and detoxification.
Now here's the disconnect between showering habits (outer cleaning) and exercising/healthy habits (inner cleaning). Depending on where you get your information, you’ll find that at least 25-40% of all Americans are sedentary. Sedentary means that a person has no leisure time activity. Not once a week, not once a month. Sedentary means NONE. This would be equivalent to never cleaning the inside of your body, ever!
What does this mean? It means that 25-40% of Americans are filthy on their insides! And even more Americans who only exercise once or twice a week or eat relatively decent foods are pretty dirty as well. Why even bother showering, when your insides are neglected every single day.
Your insides are much more important than your outsides.
Your cells, organs, muscles and bones have no chance of survival if you do not keep them healthy by exercise, diet and self-improvement. Cleaning yourself externally by showering and facial creams will only remove some bacteria, oils and sweat.
Cleaning yourself internally will actually give you more benefits in terms of appearance than a bar of soap and moisturizing cream. People who are hydrated properly and eat many water containing foods have healthy, shiny skin—the same type of skin that a topical can only hope to emulate!
For some reason or another, someone dropped the ball when it comes to informing us that we need to take care of our bodies and that cleanliness starts from the insides. Anything else is just the same as the cover up women put on their faces—a quick fix.
Put the ball in your court and become aware of your body and how it reacts to exercise and the food you eat and you'll notice a huge difference in how clear your skin looks, how toned your muscles start to become, how much energy you seem to still have at the end of the day and how much closer you are to your business, fitness and personal goals!
This is something worth working out for!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Kevin Gianni is the author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution." He is on a personal mission to de-mystify health and fitness and demonstrate how easy it is for busy people to be in great shape.
He conducts seminars, writes articles, has been quoted in the national press and is the creator of the revolutionary "50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine"--the only video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest bites.
Visit The 50 Second Quick Fix to see it for yourself for free!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Are Your Thoughts Making You Fat?
Your head is stopping you from getting into great shape. I guarantee it.
The only way to accomplish your goals is to learn how to cooperate with YOURSELF!
W. Timothy Gallwey wrote a fascinating book in the 70's about how to play "“yoga tennis."” (The Inner Game of Tennis) No, this is not a creative way to use the "“Downward Dog" position to strengthen your serve and volley game, it is a way to view the game and the inner chatter a player experiences on the court while he battles an opponent--or in Gallwey'’s view--themselves. Though Gallwey moves through different aspects of the game of tennis like strokes, form and how to win, his words beg to be interpreted into everyday lifestyle.
Gallwey speaks of two "minds"”, the conscious self (Self 1) and the unconscious self (Self 2). Self 1 always tends to be hard on Self 2. "You are doing it all wrong,"” the conscious Self 1 might say. Or "Your push-up form looks worse than your grandmother's!"
Can you think of a time when you've had this type of self-talk?
I think many more of us encounter this EVERY DAY!
Ask yourself this:
Is your mind-chatter making you second-guess your success?
A personal training client I had used to stare blankly between sets of exercises. It was a deep and intense stare into space.
After seeing this happen during the first few sessions I worked with him, I asked him what he was thinking about during one of his tune-outs. He told me he was thinking about work, something that I later learned to find out that he was always thinking about. His thoughts must have been almost violent, for him to tune out so often and so deeply.
Do you think he had the most focused and effective workout when his mind was somewhere else? Not a chance.
The trick to conquering your mind and reaching your goals is to let the two selves function in harmony, which requires you to stay present at all times during your workouts and hopefully beyond!
Here are some ways to get it together and start achieving your fitness goals and not just sit around and think about them.
Stop Judging Yourself Against Others and Yourself
When you are exercising or meditating or doing anything, let yourself do the activity with little concern about how you are doing it or if you are doing it correctly. When you practice less judgment you will find you are not so hard on yourself anymore and that you are reaching your goals quicker and you will have more finishes than unsuccessful tries.
If you find yourself judging, address Self 1 and Self 2 and say: "Let's be gentle on ourselves and let's work together."”
Stop Allowing the Inner Chatter
When you are exercising, make sure that you are only doing the exercises. If you find yourself wandering to the future and about a meeting you have after lunch or that the cats need to be fed, gently bring your thoughts back to where you are. This is a peaceful practice. Tell yourself, "“Come back to now."”
When you practice less thinking, you will find you have much more peace and quiet. You will certainly find you have less stress, because you are dealing with things now when you are supposed to deal with them--the times you are NOT exercising!
Stop Figuring Things Out, Calculating or Thinking in to the Future
If you calculate, you are not thinking in the moment. You are thinking slightly in the future. Since we are speaking of tennis in this chapter, I can tell you that I've had many potential great shots hit the bottom of the net because I've calculated where they were going to go, before my opponent'’s ball even hit the court on my side.
When you stop calculating, you will be present and you will focus more on what you are doing instead of any strategy. In terms of your workouts, you will need to stop planning ahead--stop thinking about how many reps you have left, and how long you will wait to do the next set. This is strategizing and calculating. A part of me would almost like you to not even count reps, because it will stop you from thinking about finishing and interfering with your actions.
The other side of me is very aware that number of reps are a great measure of success and progress, so for now still keep track until I can find a better way.
Stop Worrying... About EVERYTHING!
When you are worrying, your mind is very far away from the present. If you are worrying about your progress through this program, tell yourself that you are doing wonderfully, you are doing a great things and you are on your way to accomplishing all you'’ve set out to do.
If you doubt yourself, you will struggle and this will be miserable. I am sure that if you were doing this to be miserable, you would have found some workout program that promises unattainable goals and 5-second workouts. You are doing this to do something remarkable for your life and the people around you. Smile, relax and stop worrying. You've already made it this far!
Fear and worry are similar. Generally what you worry about is the fear of something. You need to stop letting fear get in your way of your successes. The more you fear failure, the less you will accomplish in terms of your fitness. When you find yourself in a difficult time and you know you are fearful, tell yourself this gently: "I will not let fear control my decisions. I will succeed!"”
Stop Hoping and Trying. Start Doing.
The words "“hope"” and "try"” are non-committal words. When you hope, you are not doing anything, you are just thinking about being positive. There is a difference between "“thinking about being positive"” and being positive. If you hope that you will lose weight, you are not taking any definitive action, you are just thinking about taking a definitive action. Instead of hoping, actively make a difference by taking action.
Instead of hoping you will lose weight, tell yourself you will lose weight and then take an action that supports losing weight. Make a commitment to the action and you will lose weight.
To "“try"” is the same thing. Trying is a non-commitment to an action. When you say that you'’ll "“try to workout tomorrow,"” you are setting yourself up to miss working out tomorrow. You never make a solid commitment and your mind and body act accordingly. They will take minimal action to make you a success.
Great athletes and people who are in the shape do not hope or try. Many of them have eliminated these words from their vocabulary. Imagine Michael Jordan, in an interview before the NBA Finals, saying, "Well, Bob, I hope we can win this series. I know I'm going to try to make some baskets and try to help the team win four out of seven." No! He's going to say, "We're ready for whatever they throw at us. This is the goal we set at the beginning of the season. We'’re prepared to give our all and we are prepared to win!"
So when you think of trying to do something, think of Michael Jordan or any other professional athlete saying that he or she is trying or hoping that they will succeed. You'll probably give yourself a good laugh and get back to accomplishing your fitness goals!
Stop Regretting
Regretting is a sign that you are in the past. Not the present. You are aware of only what has been. If you are regretting past workout failures, you are setting the blueprint for just another unsuccessful attempt. If you are regretting that you missed a workout the other day, you are bringing your energy down just enough to miss another one because you are feeling bad about yourself. People who succeed and are fit and have wonderful health, do not regret what mistakes they'’ve made. They build on them and come back stronger. Lance Armstrong is all I have to say to prove this point.
Stop Controlling
When you try to control your success you are setting yourself up for disaster. (Notice the use of "trying" here.) I think all "Diets" are people trying to control their eating habits. When you are dieting all you do is cut down on what you eat and control your urges and are generally unsuccessful. Did you ever notice that there are some people that are always on diets? You may even be one of them.
When you start a diet, you set out each time to control the amount of food you eat and generally each time it is unsuccessful. Those who succeed when they diet have done more than control their food intake, they'’ve created enough action and motion towards a goal that they do whatever it takes to lose the weight. They make the commitment that this is for the long run and that they'’ve set a goal to complete it and it means something.
You can never accomplish something by just controlling it. Athletes do not control the outcome of a game, they do their best and if their teammates are doing the same, generally the team wins!
Less Distraction
All these examples are distractions! If you can work on eliminating these actions that interfere with your fitness successes, then you will be healthy, have more energy, and be able to set new goals that you are confident you will be able to accomplish!
Check out the revolutionary 50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine--the only email-video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest (and healthy, I might add!) bites!
Founder, Kevin Gianni, is a personal trainer on a mission to de-mystify the fitness and health industry and show you just how easy it is to be in great shape. His newsletter has been featured in Today's Diet and Nutrition and My Family Doctor Magazines.
This Chapter is an excerpt from Kevin's hot, new health and fitness guide, "The Busy Person's Exercise Solution."
Click here to check it out and get a free report called "The 16 Tips to Looking and Feeling Better Than You Have in Years!"
The only way to accomplish your goals is to learn how to cooperate with YOURSELF!
W. Timothy Gallwey wrote a fascinating book in the 70's about how to play "“yoga tennis."” (The Inner Game of Tennis) No, this is not a creative way to use the "“Downward Dog" position to strengthen your serve and volley game, it is a way to view the game and the inner chatter a player experiences on the court while he battles an opponent--or in Gallwey'’s view--themselves. Though Gallwey moves through different aspects of the game of tennis like strokes, form and how to win, his words beg to be interpreted into everyday lifestyle.
Gallwey speaks of two "minds"”, the conscious self (Self 1) and the unconscious self (Self 2). Self 1 always tends to be hard on Self 2. "You are doing it all wrong,"” the conscious Self 1 might say. Or "Your push-up form looks worse than your grandmother's!"
Can you think of a time when you've had this type of self-talk?
I think many more of us encounter this EVERY DAY!
Ask yourself this:
Is your mind-chatter making you second-guess your success?
A personal training client I had used to stare blankly between sets of exercises. It was a deep and intense stare into space.
After seeing this happen during the first few sessions I worked with him, I asked him what he was thinking about during one of his tune-outs. He told me he was thinking about work, something that I later learned to find out that he was always thinking about. His thoughts must have been almost violent, for him to tune out so often and so deeply.
Do you think he had the most focused and effective workout when his mind was somewhere else? Not a chance.
The trick to conquering your mind and reaching your goals is to let the two selves function in harmony, which requires you to stay present at all times during your workouts and hopefully beyond!
Here are some ways to get it together and start achieving your fitness goals and not just sit around and think about them.
Stop Judging Yourself Against Others and Yourself
When you are exercising or meditating or doing anything, let yourself do the activity with little concern about how you are doing it or if you are doing it correctly. When you practice less judgment you will find you are not so hard on yourself anymore and that you are reaching your goals quicker and you will have more finishes than unsuccessful tries.
If you find yourself judging, address Self 1 and Self 2 and say: "Let's be gentle on ourselves and let's work together."”
Stop Allowing the Inner Chatter
When you are exercising, make sure that you are only doing the exercises. If you find yourself wandering to the future and about a meeting you have after lunch or that the cats need to be fed, gently bring your thoughts back to where you are. This is a peaceful practice. Tell yourself, "“Come back to now."”
When you practice less thinking, you will find you have much more peace and quiet. You will certainly find you have less stress, because you are dealing with things now when you are supposed to deal with them--the times you are NOT exercising!
Stop Figuring Things Out, Calculating or Thinking in to the Future
If you calculate, you are not thinking in the moment. You are thinking slightly in the future. Since we are speaking of tennis in this chapter, I can tell you that I've had many potential great shots hit the bottom of the net because I've calculated where they were going to go, before my opponent'’s ball even hit the court on my side.
When you stop calculating, you will be present and you will focus more on what you are doing instead of any strategy. In terms of your workouts, you will need to stop planning ahead--stop thinking about how many reps you have left, and how long you will wait to do the next set. This is strategizing and calculating. A part of me would almost like you to not even count reps, because it will stop you from thinking about finishing and interfering with your actions.
The other side of me is very aware that number of reps are a great measure of success and progress, so for now still keep track until I can find a better way.
Stop Worrying... About EVERYTHING!
When you are worrying, your mind is very far away from the present. If you are worrying about your progress through this program, tell yourself that you are doing wonderfully, you are doing a great things and you are on your way to accomplishing all you'’ve set out to do.
If you doubt yourself, you will struggle and this will be miserable. I am sure that if you were doing this to be miserable, you would have found some workout program that promises unattainable goals and 5-second workouts. You are doing this to do something remarkable for your life and the people around you. Smile, relax and stop worrying. You've already made it this far!
Fear and worry are similar. Generally what you worry about is the fear of something. You need to stop letting fear get in your way of your successes. The more you fear failure, the less you will accomplish in terms of your fitness. When you find yourself in a difficult time and you know you are fearful, tell yourself this gently: "I will not let fear control my decisions. I will succeed!"”
Stop Hoping and Trying. Start Doing.
The words "“hope"” and "try"” are non-committal words. When you hope, you are not doing anything, you are just thinking about being positive. There is a difference between "“thinking about being positive"” and being positive. If you hope that you will lose weight, you are not taking any definitive action, you are just thinking about taking a definitive action. Instead of hoping, actively make a difference by taking action.
Instead of hoping you will lose weight, tell yourself you will lose weight and then take an action that supports losing weight. Make a commitment to the action and you will lose weight.
To "“try"” is the same thing. Trying is a non-commitment to an action. When you say that you'’ll "“try to workout tomorrow,"” you are setting yourself up to miss working out tomorrow. You never make a solid commitment and your mind and body act accordingly. They will take minimal action to make you a success.
Great athletes and people who are in the shape do not hope or try. Many of them have eliminated these words from their vocabulary. Imagine Michael Jordan, in an interview before the NBA Finals, saying, "Well, Bob, I hope we can win this series. I know I'm going to try to make some baskets and try to help the team win four out of seven." No! He's going to say, "We're ready for whatever they throw at us. This is the goal we set at the beginning of the season. We'’re prepared to give our all and we are prepared to win!"
So when you think of trying to do something, think of Michael Jordan or any other professional athlete saying that he or she is trying or hoping that they will succeed. You'll probably give yourself a good laugh and get back to accomplishing your fitness goals!
Stop Regretting
Regretting is a sign that you are in the past. Not the present. You are aware of only what has been. If you are regretting past workout failures, you are setting the blueprint for just another unsuccessful attempt. If you are regretting that you missed a workout the other day, you are bringing your energy down just enough to miss another one because you are feeling bad about yourself. People who succeed and are fit and have wonderful health, do not regret what mistakes they'’ve made. They build on them and come back stronger. Lance Armstrong is all I have to say to prove this point.
Stop Controlling
When you try to control your success you are setting yourself up for disaster. (Notice the use of "trying" here.) I think all "Diets" are people trying to control their eating habits. When you are dieting all you do is cut down on what you eat and control your urges and are generally unsuccessful. Did you ever notice that there are some people that are always on diets? You may even be one of them.
When you start a diet, you set out each time to control the amount of food you eat and generally each time it is unsuccessful. Those who succeed when they diet have done more than control their food intake, they'’ve created enough action and motion towards a goal that they do whatever it takes to lose the weight. They make the commitment that this is for the long run and that they'’ve set a goal to complete it and it means something.
You can never accomplish something by just controlling it. Athletes do not control the outcome of a game, they do their best and if their teammates are doing the same, generally the team wins!
Less Distraction
All these examples are distractions! If you can work on eliminating these actions that interfere with your fitness successes, then you will be healthy, have more energy, and be able to set new goals that you are confident you will be able to accomplish!
Check out the revolutionary 50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine--the only email-video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest (and healthy, I might add!) bites!
Founder, Kevin Gianni, is a personal trainer on a mission to de-mystify the fitness and health industry and show you just how easy it is to be in great shape. His newsletter has been featured in Today's Diet and Nutrition and My Family Doctor Magazines.
This Chapter is an excerpt from Kevin's hot, new health and fitness guide, "The Busy Person's Exercise Solution."
Click here to check it out and get a free report called "The 16 Tips to Looking and Feeling Better Than You Have in Years!"
Friday, August 04, 2006
Take Complete Control of Your Health: If You Don’t They Might End Up Killing You
Go to your bathroom mirror and take a long look at yourself.
What’s happened to you?
You’re heavier, you don’t look as good as you used to and if you’re like millions of others, you’ve tried with little success to get back to where you once were.
Wouldn’t it be nice to hear that maybe it’s the information you’ve been given is to blame for this?
Well it partly is the information, but the second part starts with you.
And now that you know that, it’s time for you to take complete and absolute control of your own health and fitness.
This is why…
What has science done to you? What do you need to do to stop yourself from blowing up as quickly as a balloon on a helium tank?
You need to start taking your health into your own hands. You need to start going off on your own and experimenting with things that seem different to you, regardless of what you’ve been told.
Within you lies the answer to vitality, energy and great health. You need to start exploring your options, outside of the scientific studies that tell you the vitamins and exercise regimens that work for your particular body type or metabolic processes.
Experiential knowledge is truth. Science can only point us in a direction.
In 2005, the JAMA published a study that studied the accuracy of studies. The results? You shouldn’t rely on just medical studies to base your health decisions. In other words, travel at your own risk.
What do you do now?
You start learning about health and fitness on your own. More importantly, you start trying things out to see what works for you and what doesn’t.
Here’s an example.
I believe in cleansing. I have done many different cleanses to clear my body of toxins and allergies.
Many people I talk to don’t believe in cleaning. Not because they’ve done it and it didn’t work, but because they’ve HEARD that it’s bad for them. You might believe this as well.
That’s OK.
I feel fantastic when I cleanse. Mind, body and soul. I recommend it to others because it does fantastic things for my mood and helps me clearly deal with stress and other issues. I want other people to have this same power.
This is MY first hand information.
Who do you believe?
Someone who’s done it and is the best shape of their life and getting better, or someone who’s “heard that it is bad for you”?
Where are you getting your information from?
Anyone can have a nice website, a few letters behind their name or a book with a nice cover.
I have those things. Do you believe me?
It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to listen to a word I say..
I want you to take some sort of action. I don’t care if you disagree with what I’ve just said and send me hate mail, I just want you to take action and do something.
You might find out some fantastic things about yourself that will change your health and fitness forever.
Check out the revolutionary 50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine—the only email-video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest (and healthy, I might add!) bites!
Founder, Kevin Gianni, is a personal trainer on a mission to de-mystify the fitness and health industry and show you just how easy it is to be in great shape. His newsletter has been featured in Today’s Diet and Nutrition and My Family Doctor Magazines.
Click here to check it out and get a free report called “The 16 Tips to Looking and Feeling Better Than You Have in Years!”
What’s happened to you?
You’re heavier, you don’t look as good as you used to and if you’re like millions of others, you’ve tried with little success to get back to where you once were.
Wouldn’t it be nice to hear that maybe it’s the information you’ve been given is to blame for this?
Well it partly is the information, but the second part starts with you.
And now that you know that, it’s time for you to take complete and absolute control of your own health and fitness.
This is why…
We’ve relied on scientific studies for the last half century to decipher what it healthy, what activities we should do and what should be on our dinner tables. Is it a coincidence that the number of fat Americans has grown exponentially over that same time?
What has science done to you? What do you need to do to stop yourself from blowing up as quickly as a balloon on a helium tank?
You need to start taking your health into your own hands. You need to start going off on your own and experimenting with things that seem different to you, regardless of what you’ve been told.
Within you lies the answer to vitality, energy and great health. You need to start exploring your options, outside of the scientific studies that tell you the vitamins and exercise regimens that work for your particular body type or metabolic processes.
Experiential knowledge is truth. Science can only point us in a direction.
In 2005, the JAMA published a study that studied the accuracy of studies. The results? You shouldn’t rely on just medical studies to base your health decisions. In other words, travel at your own risk.
What do you do now?
You start learning about health and fitness on your own. More importantly, you start trying things out to see what works for you and what doesn’t.
I want you to stop listening to everyone tell you everything they know about eating right and exercising and I want you to start doing it your own way.
Here’s an example.
I believe in cleansing. I have done many different cleanses to clear my body of toxins and allergies.
Many people I talk to don’t believe in cleaning. Not because they’ve done it and it didn’t work, but because they’ve HEARD that it’s bad for them. You might believe this as well.
That’s OK.
I feel fantastic when I cleanse. Mind, body and soul. I recommend it to others because it does fantastic things for my mood and helps me clearly deal with stress and other issues. I want other people to have this same power.
This is MY first hand information.
Who do you believe?
Someone who’s done it and is the best shape of their life and getting better, or someone who’s “heard that it is bad for you”?
Where are you getting your information from?
Anyone can have a nice website, a few letters behind their name or a book with a nice cover.
I have those things. Do you believe me?
It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to listen to a word I say..
I want you to take some sort of action. I don’t care if you disagree with what I’ve just said and send me hate mail, I just want you to take action and do something.
Stop letting everyone else tell you what’s best for your health. Get out there and find out.
You might find out some fantastic things about yourself that will change your health and fitness forever.
Check out the revolutionary 50-Second Fitness Quick Fix Video-zine—the only email-video fitness newsletter that gives you the skinny on everything health and fitness related in quick, easy to digest (and healthy, I might add!) bites!
Founder, Kevin Gianni, is a personal trainer on a mission to de-mystify the fitness and health industry and show you just how easy it is to be in great shape. His newsletter has been featured in Today’s Diet and Nutrition and My Family Doctor Magazines.
Click here to check it out and get a free report called “The 16 Tips to Looking and Feeling Better Than You Have in Years!”
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