Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Self Motivation - Juggling Work, Family and Fitness

To find self motivation, I always tell the people I work with to accept the fact that without their health they will not be able to enjoy the things they really care about in the future or even now. Including their work, family and everything else material.

To help you recognize that you do in fact need to be fit and healthy in order to balance your lives, here are some things you can do to find that self motivation.

1. You need to realize that you have a challenge at hand and need to face it.

You cannot change any behavior without recognizing it.

2. You need to sit down and actually spend time thinking about what your real priorities are.

Many times the reason people are so mixed up is because they don't know what to focus on in the first place. The self motivation comes when you've figured out what you want to do.

3. You need to make a habit of visualization of your goals and priorities.

If you cannot connect to the visual picture of what you want--e.g. spending more time with the family or getting in better shape or having more energy--then you most likely will not get what you want.

4. You need to take action.

One of the main reasons most people don't have the time to do things with family and for themselves is because they spend too much time over thinking what they're going to do and not enough time actually doing something.

Your self motivation will soar if you just do these 4 simple things!

Click here for more great information on self motivation and a free report on how to get laser-like focus to achieve the body you've always wanted!

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