Saturday, February 25, 2006

You Don’t Have to Get it Right...You Just Have to Get it Started!

Six months ago, I received an email that changed my life.

I have now given this simple principle to every one of my clients and whoever I come in contact with. I believe this might be the one, most important principle of not only fitness success, but success in all other realms of life.

It is so simple that it hurts me to think that if I had known this 5, 10, 20 years ago I’d now be on a national stage helping literally hundreds of thousands of people reach their fitness and health goals.

The email was from Mike Littman, a 30-something motivational speaker. He was offering a free audio CD (something I'm always a sucker for). So I signed up, received it a week later and popped it into the player.

He was loud, sometimes obnoxious, but let me tell you what… he said one thing that really got me thinking.

Are you ready for it?

"You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going."

Too many of us wait for all of our ducks to get in a row before we take any action. They might never line up.

Too many of us obsessively cross our T’s and dot our I’s right through the paper before we make a move. We could be losing it all.

Where does it get us? Nowhere... and fast.

Why does this apply to your health and fitness?

Well, why haven’t you decided to get into shape? Why haven’t you thought about going to the gym? Why haven’t you met with a personal trainer to assess your specific fitness needs?

Are you waiting for the money? Are you waiting for the time? Are you too busy?

You’re not getting started. You’re trying to get it right.

If you continue to try to get it right, your health is going to deteriorate right in front of you, your family and your coworkers.

You just have to get it started.

I meet with a guy who was deteriorating, but didn’t want to commit to more than 2 sessions. That’s great! Good for him. What a fantastic start.

I’m meeting with another family soon that just wants some nutrition tips but aren’t ready for a workout plan. Fantastic! They’re making a move!

This is what is unfortunate...

I see hundreds of people every week that give me excuses about why they’re not in shape. Time, money and low energy.

I look at it this way...

If you don’t have the energy and go through the day lost in a haze due to improper nutrition and lack of exercise, you’re always going to be short on time and you’ll never be able to invest in your health.

REMEMBER: You only have ONE shot at life. Why are you squandering it with excuses?

I say this because I mean it and live it. And yes, it is difficult at times. That’s why I want to help you. That’s why I want you to do something about it today and get started.

Here’s what I want you to do. Pick one, two or do all of the things listed below and just get started. Do me that favor... just get started.

You can:

-Check out the prices at the gym.
-Go to a chiropractor to adjust you.
-Throw away some junk food in your cabinet.
-Take a 10 minute walk.
-Eat one less cookie.
-Make a salad.
-Take a 2 minute walk.


You don’t have to get it right... you just have to get it started!

Your life is on the line.

Go and get started.

1 comment:

admin said...

Hi Kevin,

Just wanted to say that I'm glad that you are writing again.

I get your fitness video tip every week and I think they are totally awesome, but I miss your written articles.

Anyway, I referred to your blog post on The Realgoalgetter because I believe also that many people lose out on abundant energy, just because they don't start where they are.

They seem to feel that everything has to be right or perfect before they take action. Hope your article reaches the masses and makes a difference.

Again, great article.

Al Smith